Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

Are arrangements available to be previewed?

On each detailed page of the song is an image of the first and last pages of the arrangement, so you can easily preview how the song begins, the key it is in, and how it ends. In addition, in some cases on the detailed song page, you can listen to a recording.

What is the cost of each arrangement?

Cost varies based on the song length. Generally, it ranges from $110 to $125. The per copy cost is $2.00 for a group over 4. There is no copy fee for quartets.

How do I pay for an arrangement?

We accept all major credit cards. Once an arrangement is purchased you will receive an email with a link to immediately download the arrangement in PDF format . The link expires 24 hours after you click it in your email. If, for some reason, you need the link after 24 hours, please contact us, with your order number, and we may be able to resend it. Importantly, please be aware that once an arrangement has been purchased, there can be no refunds.

If the song includes an orchestral track, can it be purchased?

Yes, in instances where an orchestral accompaniment audio recording is available, it can be purchased separately.

Are there learning tracks for arrangements so my chorus or quartet can learn the song more quickly?

We’re working on it! We continue to add learning tracks to some of our songs. While each arrangement may be purchased without learning tracks, select arrangements are also offered, bundled with complete learning tracks. To learn when new learning tracks become available, sign up to receive our email alerts on our contact page.

What is the degree of difficulty for each song?

For each song, Jim has assigned a difficulty rating, based on his evaluation of the arrangement, on a scale of 1–5 (1 = easiest, 5 = most difficult). On the Songs page, you can click any Difficulty Level link, and see just the songs that match your selection.

How do I know if the arrangement is contestable at a Barbershop contest?

On the details page for each song, we indicate if it is contestable. Also, on the Songs page, you’ll find a list of just the Contestable songs.

Are copyright clearances needed?

It varies, by song title. See the product information for each song for details. TIP: On the Songs page, under the heading More Filters, filter for Clearance Required or Clearance Not Required.

What about recording fees?

If you plan to record, then the standard mechanical licensing fee of 9.1 cents per unit, payable to Jim Clancy, would apply.

Can you let me know when new titles are added?

You bet! As we add arrangements and goodies (such as learning tracks and orchestral accompaniments!), be the first to find out about it by clicking here to sign up to our New Item Alert email list.